This is interesting - and I think the issue of ghost writing is really nuanced. As a journalist, I’ve ghosted people before (often doctors or non-writers with a story to tell). I think that’s important, as Katherine points out. BUT I do worry about the fiction thing. It’s true, the big-selling books subsidise others on a publisher’s list, but it’s not quite that simple. Research has suggested that the single biggest factor that determines any book’s success is the marketing budget, which ghost-written celeb books will (presumably) gobble up. Not to mention the column inches, air time, and pixels during that particular publication week/launch cycle that get diverted from other books. (Irony, irony, irony given that we’re all here talking about this!)

Also, it’s a problem that has to be seen in light of how few authors are able to make a living from just publishing books under their own name.

That said, there’s no doubt that MBB and other young women cop a lot more flack for this than others (men) whose names appear on the cover but perhaps didn’t do *all* the work themselves...

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I’ve got to say, reading this I would be quite tempted to be a ghostwriter rather than a regular author as I am now. I can be extroverted but am a private person, and the relentless nature of book PR takes its toll. I just want to be in my room hanging out with imaginary people! Either that or getting drunk at a writers’ lunch at The Wolseley.

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Thank you for sharing this interview, I’ve always been so intrigued by the concept of ghostwriting and it’s often slightly irked me, the whole concept of people not being recognised for their art so I felt comforted reading Katherine’s thoughts on this. Also LOVE hearing Zadie Smith in interviews, I think it’s so fascinating how much you can hear how her language and way of speaking aren’t influenced by the internet, it’s such a rarity! Would also recommend her chat with Elizabeth Day on the BBC Radio 4 Books & Authors pod!

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As a newbie to Books + Bits just wanted to say I loved your interview with Katherine Ormerod, who I am now following on Substack - this place is such a treasure trove of great writing!

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Interesting interview and thought provoking that one of the main motivations cited for ghost writing is to be uncancellable

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Yes this really intrigued me too

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This is fascinating. I don't write in the fiction world, or even memoir (yet!) but ghostwriting is also rampant in cookbooks. I've been asked to write several but have declined, mostly due to being overwhelmed with my own work--but Katherine paints a solid argument for why this arrangement can infuse the industry (and writers who want to step back) with necessary income. I probably misunderstood the whole relationship until now, and this frank interview brings so much to light. Probably like most things in life: if we asked more questions instead of judging it as an onlooker, we might learn something.

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As someone who would love to be a ghostwriter -- thank you for this, such a thoughtful and insightful interview!

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Super interesting! Thanks so much for sharing x

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I have just read this (I’m so behind on my newsletters and currently deep diving Books and Bits history) and joined shelterbox - what a fabulous idea it is. Thank you so much for this Pandora

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Sorry wrong thread but I wanted to make a ‘bit’ request - any recs for stoneware/earthenware that is not Le Creuset? Specifically I’m after pie dishes (large or individual) for occasions. P.s. love your substack and thank you!

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Thank you so much for those recommendations- they were really great. Especially the one about child nutrition ( I do follow KEIC, and I think it’s often a great resource, but especially those things that were critiqued in the RR felt weird and too staged for me before). So great to have someone put this weird feeling into actionable words

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I think the last link to the Guardian piece on Elon Musk isn’t linked properly? Or maybe it’s just not working for me...? Either way another amazing bunch of rec’s!

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loved this! thank you for sharing with free subs!

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

It might have been a tacky question to ask, but: what do ghostwriters think of the reviews of their work, especially when it is credited/criticized as that of another person? MBB has gotten such criticism, and the fact that a published writer was behind it... makes me wonder where the editor was, how much control MBB had, etc.

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